Star stable star locations forgotten fields
Star stable star locations forgotten fields

star stable star locations forgotten fields

Missing Cement Truck Location - Original quest dialogue is confusing, please see this post for a map to the location of the cement truck. Gondola Building / Video Game Quests - All of the quests with Ms Morse, and the Crew Lead, building the gondola, and Zombie Horse Pole Bending Apocalypse Andy's Geocaching - Maps and descriptions of Firgrove geochaching quests. Archaeology in Epona - All of the maps and info for treasure hunt quests with Hawaii Jones in Epona. Mississippi Jones Quests - All of the Mississippi Jones quests, from the treasure hunt, to the runestone puzzle Help I don't have new quests! - Before you ask why you don't have more story quests, please look here. Dino Valley Hidden Quests - Info for the one current hidden quest in Dino Valley. Hidden Quest Locations - All of the hidden quests with maps and descriptions. Inner Lightning Circle Runestone Locations - Locations of runestones for Inner Lightning Circle reputation. Pandoric Rift Locations - Daily schedule of rift locations.

star stable star locations forgotten fields

Fishing Schedule - Daily schedule of Mr Trout's fishing quests. No Pity for the Banned - Some pro tips for following the game rules, and preventing the ban-hammer from hitting you. Maggie's In-Game Help Manifesto - I love helping in-game but I do have some ground rules you need to know. About Verifying Your Email - For questions regarding verification emails and codes to be able to chat in-game. Suicide Prevention - A friend's suicide attempt has touched me personally and I want everyone to understand it is no laughing matter. Provides lots of helpful step-by-step for basic gameplay. Star Stable Guide - Another helpful site, run by Margaux Winterborn. Off road near bridge between Old Stormgarden and Shipwreck Shores.Eastern Slopes, in stand of trees south of Dew’s Farm.Southernmost islands of Sunset Islands (cut off map, mark is farther north that stone actually is), straight south of New Hillcrest Stables.Behind stone wall outside Jorvik Stables arena.Paddock Island, first stone you measured during story quests.South side of bridge entering Forgotten Fields.Two on road between Scarecrow Hill and Cape West Fishing Village (one outside Scarecrow Hill, one in corner above Goldenleaves Forest).Stone circle to enter the Secret Stonering.Valedale Druid training arena (two at the entrance, one near the back).If you find any others please comment with a description of the location as well as map coordinates! Here are all the locations of the stones I have found. The quests to begin measuring the runestones begin on Day 122. Healing the Sleeping Widow quests begin on Day 84. Alex will speak to you and tell you that the rifts have stopped opening. The Pandoric crack quests begin on Day 65, and all of the daily rift locations are listed here. The daily rifts will be completed once you have closed enough to reach Admired level reputation with the Lightning Circle. Have helped heal the Sleeping Widow’s roots.

star stable star locations forgotten fields

  • Be Admired with the Lightning Circle and have completed all of the daily quests to close the Pandoric cracks.
  • star stable star locations forgotten fields

    The quests to begin reputation quests with The Inner Lightning Circle unlock once you have completed the following:

    Star stable star locations forgotten fields